Review: The Very Hungry Caterpillar on Stage!

Buckle up, fellow adventurers! It’s Ace, Barron, and Mum here and do we have a tale to tell! We just got back from the most amazing show in LA – ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ on stage, and let me tell you, it was a rollercoaster of fun and colors!

Ace here! I couldn’t believe my eyes when the curtains rose. There was the caterpillar, as big as a bus! And the way he munched through those apples, pears, and all sorts of goodies – I was half expecting him to jump off the stage and share some with me! The lights were like rainbows dancing around, and the music made me want to wiggle like a caterpillar myself!

Hey, Barron speaking! You know what blew my mind? The puppets! They were like real magic. One moment it’s just a little egg, and the next, there’s this massive, friendly caterpillar talking to us! And not just him – we met a whole bunch of animals. I’m telling you, the puppeteers must be wizards or something!

Mom here, and I must say, the show was an absolute delight. The perfect length too – just 50 minutes, long enough to keep the storyline engaging and short enough to keep the kids entertained and happily seated. It wasn’t just fun and games – there was a sweet message about growing up and changing, just like our little caterpillar friend. And watching Ace and Barron’s eyes light up with every new scene, well, that was the real treat for me.

And hey, guess what? The show ends on January 21st, so you’ve got to hurry if you want to catch it. Plus, there’s a fantastic deal happening right now – tickets are 30% off with code BUTTERFLY ! So, it’s the perfect time to grab your seats. You can buy tickets HERE.

So, to all the families out there, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ stage show is a must-see. It’s a magical journey that leaves you buzzing with joy and maybe, just maybe, a little bit hungry for adventure (and cake)!”


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